We recently added two new custom artist sites to our portfolio, and we can’t wait to show them off! One thing we’ve come to learn about working with artists is that while they all share similar goals in promoting their work, everyone has a different message to convey. Our job is to help each artist find the style, look, and content presentation that sets them apart from the crowd.

Jaymee Haefner came to us with a huge collection of material to showcase. Well-known in academic circles, Haefner wanted to present her catalog of book and music publications, along with performance events for herself and her chamber music duo. See everything we did for her at theprofessionalharpist.com.
Liana Alpino wanted to highlight her work as one of Nashville’s top freeleance harpists. We put the focus on her glowing client testimonials and event photos, along with upcoming events and services. We also gave her platform to show off her sound clips, sheet music publications, and more. See what we did for her at lianaalpino.com.

Features of these sites include:
- Signature home pages
- Client testimonials
- News portal
- Event calendars
- Media displays
- Publication catalogs
- Contact forms
- Services details
- Social media links and embed
What’s your message? We’d love to help you spread it to the world with a custom artist website!
Get in touch!
Do you have an upcoming design project for us to tackle? We’re all ears. Drop us a line to let us know how we can help!
email: trusttreedesigns@gmail.com.