“Our website has proven instrumental in advancing our mission and cultivating a positive user experience—its elegance exudes trustworthiness.”
—Eva Janabová and Adriana Dergam, MIIC
It’s not only artists we help with custom websites here at Trust Tree Designs, and we couldn’t let 2023 come to an end without showing off one of our most exciting projects of the year for the newly created non-profit organization Mestenhauser Institute for International Collaboration (MIIC).
Their mission—inspired by Czech educational pioneer Joseph A. Mestenhauser—is impressive: We want an interconnected world where people wherever they live, study or work collaborate respectfully and productively to share their solutions to global challenges. MIIC founder and CEO Eva Janebová asked us to design a website that would inform, bring their mission to life, and, most importantly, inspire trust among their community and donors.
With a huge volume of content to process, we helped MIIC organize their information and showcase it with pages dedicated to programs, resources, news, people, and more. We worked with COO Adriana Dergam, to build a news portal that they could update easily, along with a filterable grid to showcase and identify their community members by type.
“Our website has proven instrumental in advancing our mission and cultivating a positive user experience—its elegance exudes trustworthiness,” say Eva and Adriana. We couldn’t be happier that they, along with their community and donors, love—and trust—the site.
Features of this site include:
- Signature home page with image slider, content cards, news grid, and toggles
- Stylized page navigation on individual pages
- Featured content highlights
- Filterable grid of team members
- EU-required cookie consent form and privacy policy page
- News blog
- Contact form
Visit the site to see everything we did for MIIC.
Get in touch!
Do you have an upcoming design project for us to tackle? We’re all ears. Drop us a line to let us know how we can help!
email: trusttreedesigns@gmail.com.